Join our team. Part time role available: Project manager
2 May 2022
We are seeking two diligent, flexible experienced people to help bring added capacity to our team to enable us to move forward with our existing projects and help to secure a sustainable future for the organisation.
Fee: £125 per day inclusive [circa 1- 1.5 day per week for 45 weeks]
Line of responsibility: The Project Manager will be directly responsible to the Chief Executive Officer [CEO].
Working Conditions: Mainly home based with some travel mainly in an around Ramsgate.
About Heritage Lab CIC
Heritage Lab was set up to unlock the potential of historic buildings and community assets in Ramsgate. The first place in the UK to be established as a Heritage Action Zone, any of Ramsgate’s 450 listed buildings are in poor repair, empty or underused; yet they could represent a powerful regenerative tool. Complementing other regeneration initiatives, we will aim to work with the local community and organisations to bring Ramsgate’s heritage buildings and community assets back into sustainable use. Our focus is on creating high quality community space, workspace and jobs, identified as pressing needs by the local people. We believe this will help to reinforce a sense of community, rejuvenate the local economy and provide a catalyst for improvements to the wider area, enhancing pride in our town.
We are seeking a diligent, flexible experienced project manager to help bring added capacity to our team to enable us to move forward with our existing projects and help to secure a sustainable future for the organisation.
Job Purpose
The Project Manager is responsible for:
Successfully managing various projects and programmes of activity to the high standards expected by the organisation.
Developing and managing tenders and contracts to secure the services of other contractors to fulfil Heritage Lab’s objectives
Research fundraising opportunities and write grant applications to charitable trusts or statutory bodies
Manage information and record the profile and fundraising activity of donors on a database
Manage their own budget and ensure that targets are met
Devise and organise campaigns and events as required
Spot fundraising opportunities and raise awareness of Heritage Lab’s work
Keep track of income and expenditure for various projects and undertake general office and administrative duties, as required.
Duties and Responsibilities
Main duties and responsibilities are indicated below. Other duties of an appropriate level and nature may also be required, as directed by the CEO.
Conditions of Employment
The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the written statement of Conditions of Employment [the Contract of Employment].
S/he is required to support and encourage Heritage Lab’s ethos and its objectives, policies and procedures as agreed by the Board.
S/he will uphold the Heritage Lab’s Policy in respect of Child Protection and Safeguarding matters.
S/he will be subject to all relevant statutory and institutional requirements.
S/he may be required to perform any other reasonable tasks, after consultation.
This role profile allocates duties and responsibilities but does not direct the particular amount of time to be spent on carrying them out and no part of it may be so constructed.
This role profile is not necessarily a comprehensive definition of the post. It will be reviewed at least once a year and it may be subject to modification at any time after consultation with the postholder.
Role Specification Operational S/he will:
Establish and maintain good relationships with all stakeholders, members, colleagues and grant making bodies.
Provide efficient assistance to her/his Line Manager regarding all aspects of the role
Establishing a suitable database to track grants and donations
Assist in maintaining and updating information held on Heritage Lab’s databases relating to projects including recording expenditure and income, accessing and producing reports for budget holders.
Assist in transferring data safely when database systems are introduced and/or changed.
Assist in the preparation of statistics and management information with regard to finance as required by her/his Line Manager, grant making bodies, including end of project accounts.
Assist in the collection, entry and extraction of data required to complete returns to grant makers and statutory bodies.
Liaise with grant makers, statutory bodies and budget holders and attend to queries as required by her/his Line Manager.
Contribute to the evaluation and development of Heritage Lab’s work
Report technical faults relating to the Heritage Lab’s database system/s and equipment to the ICT Technicians in accordance with reporting procedures.
Administrative S/he will:
Ensure that all administrative duties, checks and documentation are completed to the required level of accuracy including returns and reports.
Process, input and extract data held on the Heritage Lab’s database systems.
Maintain both manual and computerised record and filing systems in line with audit requirements
Take minutes/notes in meetings as required, and circulate associated information.
Deal with correspondence promptly and as required.
Deal with requests and enquiries and taking messages as required including via email.
General S/he will:
Attend Heritage Lab events as required.
Assist in Heritage Lab’s emergencies as required, including locating relevant staff, contacting emergency services and completing necessary documentation.
Attend relevant meetings and training sessions.
Keep abreast of developments and changes in fields relevant to role and communicate to staff as required.
The postholder will contribute to the Heritage Lab’s objectives in service delivery by:
- Enactment of Health and Safety requirements and initiatives, as directed.
- Ensuring compliance with Data Protection legislation.
- Operating within the Heritage Lab’s Equalities Framework at all times.
- Commitment and contribution to improving standards as appropriate.
- Acknowledging customer care and quality initiatives.
- Contributing to the maintenance of a caring and stimulating environment.
- Special Conditions of Service
Because of the nature of the post, candidates are not entitled to withhold information regarding convictions by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1971 [Exemptions] Order 1975, as amended.
Candidates are required to give details of any convictions on their Application Form and are expected to disclose such information at the Appointment Interview.
Because this post allows substantial access to vulnerable people and children, candidates are required to comply with procedures in relation to Police Checks. Prior to taking up the post, the successful candidate will be required to give written permission to Heritage Lab to ascertain details from the Police via the Disclosure and Barring Service regarding any convictions against them and, as appropriate, the nature of such convictions. Equal Opportunities The postholder will be expected to carry out all duties in the context of and in compliance with the Heritage Lab’s Equal Opportunities Policies.
Person Specification
Key skills
Project Managers need excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. They need to be good at researching and devising strategies and opportunistically taking advantage of relevant possibilities. Project Managers must be adept at people and contract management, building long-term relationships with potential donors or volunteers and persuasively explaining Heritage Lab’s cause. The ability to manage budgets and targets are important, as are organisational and IT skills. An interest in, and commitment to, the work of Heritage Lab is essential.
Degree in a relevant subject or demonstrable equivalent experience
Project management qualification or demonstrable equivalent experience
Desirable: Certificate in Fundraising and the Diploma in Fundraising.
Relevant experience
A minimum of three years’ experience in project management or experience in related areas such as sales or marketing.
Knowledge of the charitable sector
Knowledge of current heritage and cultural funding bodies and their objectives
Date of Issue:
Signature of Postholder: Signature of CEO:
Informal enquiries to Rob Kenyon 07962253838