Open Call for a single commission responding to the former Granville Hotel
24 April 2020
Heritage Lab CIC is seeking to commission an individual or organisation to undertake a small project to deliver a work of “performance art” which responds to the history and memories of the former Granville Hotel in Ramsgate.
The history of the hotel is well documented on line and a summary of our involvement on the site can be found here:
We understand that executing this commission will be particularly challenging at this time, and the successful applicant will need to address the limitations and opportunities that the government’s COVID19 restrictions present.
We have a very open mind as to what the work will comprise.
The parameters are as follows:
- It should involve, as a central feature of the work, the Granville Hotel during one or more of its significant periods in history.
- It should be an artwork that is created through actions performed by the artist or other participants, which may be live or recorded, spontaneous or scripted- and subject to any COVID restrictions in place at the time
- It must be capable of being enjoyed by an immediate and future audience
Midnight 5th May 2020
By email to [email protected] with all the following information in a single document file.
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Artist/Organisation Name and legal form
- Biography (max. 150 words about the artist)
- Examples of previous works (please provide links or images)
- Title of work
- Proposal (max. 200 words about what you will do)
- How you will ensure that this work will be delivered on time and address the government COVID restrictions
- How you will make the work available to an audience immediately and in the future How you will promote the work
- The nature & size of the audience that you expect to engage
- How you believe the work supports outcomes and principles within Arts Council England’s Let’s Create https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/letscreate
- If applicable, the names and roles of other people or organisations you will involve How you will provide immediate evaluation of the work [we are particularly interested in hearing about how your work was enhanced or restricted by the historic element of the commission
Please tell us –
- The overall budget of your work
- How much you are requesting from Heritage Lab CIC
- How any shortfall will be addressed. NB this funding will need to be in place.
Project timeline
- Informal tender published 24th April 2020
- Submissions Deadline Midnight 5th May 2020
- Applicants notified 8th May 2020
- Contract confirmed 10th May 2020
- Work to be completed and made available to a pubic audience by 25th May 2020
- Draft report made available by 27th May 2020
- Payment available immediately on receipt of satisfactory report
Project fees and costs
- A maximum of £1000 (including VAT if applicable) is available for this project.
- This fee is to include all activities and expenses required in completing the project and short report.
Background information
Heritage Lab CIC was established in 2018 to regenerate historic buildings and community assets in order to make affordable space available to the creative sector and community.
Heritage Lab has a legal agreement with the owner to buy the 999-year leasehold to the seafront Granville Bars- part of the former Granville Hotel. We have a year in which to raise the £485,000 needed to complete the deal and kick start their plans to transform it into a thriving creative hub and world class events space.