The Granville Theatre is now officially an Asset of Community Value
8 November 2020
We’ve done it!
Thanet District Council said “YES”
The Granville represents the last remaining publicly owned performance space in Ramsgate. When we wrote about this in July, we had heard a number of conflicting stories about the potential viability of the building and its future.
One of the best ways to give the building some protection, and to provide the community with some time to decide if it wants to try to acquire the building in future is to have it registered as an Asset of Community Value.
To our surprise no-one had applied to protect it, so we applied to Thanet District Council in July for it to be given this legal protection.
This has now been accepted and you can view the legal entry here
Other community groups are interested too
Over recent months, we have spoken to a number of community groups and members of the public about the Granville Theatre/Cinema, and we have also met with the leaseholder.
We have not yet decided on our next steps, but if you are interested about knowing more, or have your own ideas about the Granville once the current owner retires, we’d love to hear from you.